Changing realities...

How cool would it be to have a delete/undo button in real life? You know when you’re in a mess of a situation and you can track back exactly to the moment in time where you made a mistake.
That’s why I love writing fiction. If something doesn’t feel right somewhere along the line, you can ditch back, change what your little guy does or says or where he goes and yea, they’re off in a new direction. Usually heading into more of a pickle but then that’s what they’re for.
Continuing the saga of how awkward NG is being, I’ve been stuck for a while getting all his ducks in a row, getting everyone where they need to be and in the right place before I can move on. I was nudging 90,000 words, heading for the final scene, and hmmm, something didn’t feel right. Again. This happened with LC. I was writing the end of Blatant Disregard, decided it wasn’t right and dropped 20,000 words to go back, changed one thing and bam, the end of the book just flowed from there.
In Harsh Realities, it’s not only NG that’s being difficult; I also have LC and Hil to contend with. It’s really cool to have all three of them together but, boy, are they hard work. I’m just in the process of tracking back to see who shouldn’t have done what, when, so I can fix it and we can get on. Oh, to be able to do that in real life.


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