OUT NOW: Defying Winter... and other stuff


It's been a while since I've blogged, and LC#3 Defying Winter was actually released in April this year, so a blog post now, six months later, in November 2021, kind of sums up my state of mind this year.

(Although I did write a guest blog post in 2020 for Mark Hayes...)

Defying Winter was another tough book to write... it was the middle of a pandemic, my deadline for it was another SciFi Scarborough that was cancelled due to said pandemic, and strange things were afoot, so yeah, wierd times in all directions.

Nevertheless, little LC Book Three is out and says all it needs to say, which is more than I was expecting, more than he wanted to say, and sets the scene for the next big book...

(Here's Mark's review, which is awesome, as always)

Finally bringing out the third Origins book also set me thinking about the reading order, or chaotic drop-in-where-you-do nature of it all.  

Mark suggested after Darkest Fears that reading them in the order that they were brought out was his personal preference. I'm all for that, but I also have a mischievous tendency to think of the big books as the Netflix/Prime Exclusive seven season TV series, and the little LC books as the three blockbuster movies that are brought out half way through season five (and the Harvey Duckman stories as super shorts in the vein of Love, Death + Robots).

If I was reading them from scratch, as a complete unknown, I'd love to get up to DF (Book Five), hit the point where LC sits down and says, "Let me tell you about Kheris..." and then ditch out to read Kheris Burning. 

Then back into DF to catch up, hit the point where Spacey says, "Tell me about the time..." and then read Redemption, and then back to DF when they're floating in space and LC starts talking about the amulet and what happened on Winter... I don't know, maybe that's just me.

On to now and I'm working on the next big book, which is NG... and also scribbling random bits and pieces in notebooks for a series of three Hil origins books and the elusive Book 4.5 which is Not Olivia.

The pandemic has made us all reasess our priorities. It's amazing to get messages from people who say that my TG stuff has helped them through some tough times when they just needed some pure escapism. I know it's helped me tremendously over the past thirty years. 

Here's to more. I love being in my TG universe, and thank you for sharing in it. Thanks again for reading. Hopefully it won't be another year before I blog again. And in the meantime, back to NG and the war... it's time we started winning.

ps. after three weeks of Covid, I can't face a glass of rum... not declaring a disaster just yet but... xx

pps. I've recently discovered mindful doodling and watercolour painting... whatever it takes :)




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