OUT NOW: Arunday's Convergence

 Yes, AC, Thieves' Guild Book Six, is out now. It's done, it's out... to everyone who's been along for the ride, many thanks for your patience and support! Couldn't have done it without all the rum, cinder toffee and stollen.

Arunday's Convergence
Thieves' Guild Book Six: Bhenykhn Wars 2

The war against the alien horde is all but lost… human-occupied space is overrun while the Thieves’ Guild tries desperately to hold together a fragile alliance of Earth and Wintran resistance.

As the freak mutation of the alien virus continues to ravage his body, Zach Hilyer can’t be detected by the telepathic invaders. And with NG and LC out of the picture, he’s the most powerful remaining weapon the guild has against the Bhenykhn. Their only weapon.

Sent ever deeper into enemy territory on mission after mission, the demands of the Thieves’ Guild, the resistance and the Seven super AIs are pushing him to breaking point. But Hil isn’t just hiding from the aliens. His greatest fear isn’t losing the war, it’s losing himself.

"The much anticipated sequel to Darkest Fears does not disappoint. It has all the fast paced action, hanging by your fingernails peril you would expect from CG Hatton."

Buy it now on Amazon

eBook £4.99 $4.99
Paperback, 336 pages, RRP £9.99 $14.99
ISBN 978-1-912218-80-6
Published by Sixth Element Publishing, December 2019


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